Without further rambling, here we go:
Postage stamp ATCs (swap required one, but I sent two):
Kawaii ATC:
Halloween inchies (half for a swap that's already sent, other half is coming up after today):
Inchie a Name swap (plus a tagalong pumpkin):
I had fun with the name inchies! They took a surprisingly long time to make, as I colored each one individually (already had the squares punched out) in colors listed on my partner's profile. I hope that she likes them! :)
I always have a lot of random crafty stuff on the go, but I don't think I have anything specific going right now. I've been making a lot of tiny fabric yoyos (I have SO MUCH fabric to use!) and working on finishing up some plastic canvas Christmas ornaments...if I get brave, I may list them in my Etsy shop.
I've been feeling rather horrible lately...my thought is celiac disease. I actually cut out gluten entirely as of a few days ago and was feeling a little better - may be coincidental, but who knows. After reading up on testing, it looks like I need to keep eating gluten-containing foods for a definitive diagnosis, blah. I feel like I'm poisoning myself by eating my former whole grain-rich diet. I see my doctor on Sept. 7th, so at least there's that.
Speaking of September...where the heck did the summer go? My 'big' kid (who will be five in October already, yeesh) will be going back to school on the 7th as well, and she'll be going full-time this year. I feel old. :P